Student Scholarships

Since 2008, the Mercer Island Sister City Association has awarded annually up to three scholarships to graduating seniors at Mercer Island High School.

The scholarships, $500-$1,000, are presented to a student or students who demonstrate excellence in the study of French language and culture, and who demonstrate the qualities of an effective young ambassador in continued study, travel, and relations with other communities, countries and their citizens.

MISCA announces the 2024 Scholarship Recipients


2024 scholarship recipient - Sophie Cartwright

Personal Statement: "In the future I plan to use my French to make many more friends, not just from France but French speaking regions around the world and find new ways to understand the differences that bring me and the people I meet together."

2024 scholarship recipient - Justin Li

Personal Statement: ''Interacting with people from different cultures allows us to be more sensitive and culturally competent. In my opinion, the most important form of diplomacy is not governmental, but people to people."

Previous Senior French Award Recipients include:

2008: Taisha Bartlet Rowledge
2009: Gennie Gebhart
2012: Stephanie Heard and Aaron Gillelman
2013: Mindy Weinberg and Kyle Weiss
2014: Emily Bassett and Liem Tu
2015: Madison Nimmo and Jason McGruer
2016: Claire Moore, Andrew Barnwell and Sara Federman
2017: Bryan Zhao
2018: Chloe Michaels, Natalie Jewett and Sarah Pickles
2019: Ella Veljovich, Brandon Hill and Hannah Whobrey
2021: Caitlyn Barber
2022: Hannah Hobson and Zara Mecklai
2023: Katherine Grove and Rachel Senn
2024: Sophie Cartwright and Justin Li